Geographical Areas of Interest:
Geographic areas for suelo de la Tierra 's Cohousing GONE GREEN projects shall be of anywhere in the U.S. and or in another Country such as Mexico, South America - and unfolds into locations as the interest grows ~ send in your needs and desires of land to build your own Green Home to share in a Sustainable environment such as this GONE GREEN Movement ...
At this time, research has gone into individual State conditions such as: Natural catastrophes as in flooding, sink holes, earthquakes, tornados; severe temperatures; including individual State-Laws; Real Estate taxes and Capital Gain Laws; and, negative conditions with proximity to Nuclear and other Plants, and high EMF/RF and Towers (need at a minimum to be within 1.5 miles+); Radon levels, Soil Conditions; the available natural wells and testing of natural Water SOURCES and local Water & Sewage Services; Land & Mineral Rights; Elevation; the existence of a Stream - Lake - or River and what feeds into those and testing; and much, much more may effect and call for close attention to all these conditions when seeking the acreage for purchase ...
A few positive areas of interest was found during research on Acreage in North and South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico and some inland parts
of North Florida, parts of Mexico and Uruguay, and possibly Tennessee.
Feel free to send an email and give your thoughts on a location. Living in a rural setting is most desirable for the plans and intent of this community and being within an hour or less from a major city and airport is also, hopeful. A possibility of this "My Co-Home Life Project" being in another country with favorable conditions, will also, be considered. Feel free to send in areas of interest that you may have, that has been researched and can fulfill the healthful aspects desired in this Living Experience
Desired acreage is at a minimum of 5-30+ acres for each Green Community, necessary for a development of enough families that can share and help contribute to the Permaculture for Sustainability, allowing additional acres to hold necessary for Preserved Nature and Trails, gardening, along with possibly addition food sources such as: hydroponic gardening and or Aquaponics, and gardening for vegetables and plenty of weather-permitting Fruit Trees/Bushes.
Ideas are welcome! Send in yours!